Selling Spreadsheets on Etsy in 2024 – A Beginner’s Guide

Seller selling spreadsheets on Etsy

Have you ever considered selling spreadsheets on Etsy?

It may seem like an unconventional business model, but let me tell you, it can be an incredibly profitable venture.

Not only are spreadsheets in high demand, but they also have a higher price range compared to printable PDF templates.

In this post, we’ll explore why selling spreadsheets can be such a lucrative opportunity and how you can get started to create a successful Etsy shop.

So, let’s dive in and uncover the secrets to making money through selling spreadsheets on Etsy!

Why Selling Spreadsheets on Etsy is Profitable

When it comes to selling spreadsheets on Etsy, the profitability is unmatched.

Emily McDermott, a top Etsy seller, made $280k Selling Spreadsheets on Etsy and she is not the only one doing it!

You see, unlike printable PDF templates, spreadsheets can be priced at a higher range, allowing you to earn more for your hard work.

But with great opportunity comes competition.

It’s crucial to compare prices and options on Etsy to ensure you’re setting the right price point.

After all, customers want value for their money.

So, by understanding the market and fine-tuning your pricing strategy, you can make the most out of selling spreadsheets on Etsy and boost your profits.

How to Get Started Selling Spreadsheets on Etsy

To get started selling spreadsheets on Etsy, the first step is to ensure your listings are optimized for maximum visibility.

One effective tool for this is eRank, an Etsy SEO tool that can help you improve your product listings.

Utilizing eRank’s features, such as keyword research and listing analysis, can give you a competitive edge in the Etsy marketplace.

So, don’t hesitate to give it a try and take your spreadsheet-selling business to the next level.

Diversifying Your Etsy Shop’s Product Offerings

Diversifying your Etsy shop’s products is crucial

For example, when you expand your shop to include Excel templates, you attract a wider range of customers and increase your overall sales.

With spreadsheets, you can tap into a niche market of individuals looking for organized and efficient solutions for their businesses.

To effectively create and market these templates, make sure to understand your target audience and their specific needs.

Showcase the versatility and customization options of your templates, which will set you apart from the competition.

Remember, diversifying your product offerings can lead to greater success and growth for your Etsy shop.

Exploring Unique Seller Spreadsheet Templates

Spreadsheets offer so much value in terms of financial record-keeping and ensuring that my business runs smoothly.

This is why, they are customized specifically for sellers like us, providing features that cater to our unique needs.

You can check these 20 Free Spreadsheet Templates in Excel & Google Sheets to get an idea.

EtsySellerSpreadsheets and Financespreadsheet are two other successful shops that sell high-quality and well-designed templates.

Checking these examples, will not only help you to have a better idea in terms of product but also understand who they are targeting and what niche they are mainly focusing on.

Here are a few more:

spreadsheet selling on Etsy model 2
spreadsheet selling on Etsy model 2

Monetizing Google Sheets Through Etsy

One of the key benefits of using Google Sheets is its accessibility and collaborative features.

By creating and selling Google Sheets templates on Etsy, you can tap into a larger market of potential buyers who prefer cloud-based solutions.

This philosophy also applies to selling Canva templates on Etsy, Creative Market, or any other marketplace.

Additionally, Google Sheets offers a wide range of customization options and functions that can be tailored to different industries and niche markets.

With diligent marketing and continuous improvement, you can leverage Etsy as a platform to profit from selling Google Sheets.

Read Also: How To Make Money With Canva: 5 Proven Ways

The Bestselling Etsy Seller Spreadsheet Template

The bestselling Etsy seller spreadsheet template created by Paper + Spark is an absolute game-changer.

This template has all the features and benefits that an Etsy shop owner needs for efficient bookkeeping and business management.

It allows you to easily track sales, expenses, and profits, giving you a clear picture of your shop’s financial performance.

The template also has built-in formulas and functions that automatically calculate important metrics such as average order value and profit margins.

It’s a valuable tool that can significantly improve business management and ultimately drive more profits.


After exploring the various aspects of selling spreadsheets on Etsy, it is clear that this business model holds great potential for profitability.

By offering unique and valuable spreadsheet templates, you can attract a wider range of customers and significantly increase your income.

The higher price range for spreadsheets, compared to printable PDF templates, ensures a higher return on investment.

Diversifying your Etsy shop’s product offerings with Excel templates can also contribute to overall sales growth.

So, don’t hesitate any longer. Take action and start your own spreadsheet-selling business on Etsy today.

Success awaits you!


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