How To Make Money On Fiverr Without Skills

Freelancer working on creating content

I’m sure you have heard of Fiverr, the popular platform where freelancers can sell their services.

But did you know that you make money there without having any qualified skills?

If you thought that all the successful freelancers on Fiverr, are highly qualified for the services they offer, this post is about to show you exactly the opposite.

In fact, I will show you a few ways on how to make money on Fiverr without having any skills at all.

This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link.

Find a profitable service you can sell

In order to make money on Fiverr without skills, first you need to know what services to sell.

You will want to make sure that whatever you are selling, is in high demand and has a good conversion rate.

Look at different categories and decided what looks like a good start.

Let’s say you’re look at the Digital Marketing category.

What are the services there that are seeming to have a high demand? Can those services help you make money on Fiverr without having the skills?

Let’s say you are typing in the search bar “social media manager”.

The first thing you notice are the prices that different Fiverr sellers have. If the prices are relatively high, chances are they are making good money on Fiverr.

To confirm this, visit the seller’s gig page and see how many orders in queue they have.

If you find freelancers with an average price of $250 having an average of 5 orders in queue or more, it indicates that they are making money and not just occasionally.

Fiverr Gig shows orders in queue and prices!
Fiverr Gig shows Orders in queue and prices. It helps you understand how much money Fiverr sellers are making.

How can you Make Money on Fiverr without skills?

The reason why you can make money on Fiverr without skills, is because Fiverr buyers do not necessarily care about your personal skills.

They don’t need to know what college you went to, your PHD, or your qualifications. They only care about the work, and they want it done.

As long as you can do the work, they’re happy! If you can overdeliver, even better! They will come back and hire you again!

So at the end of the day, it all comes down to making sure that Fiverr buyers trust you and trust the fact that you can deliver great work.

how to deliver your work to fiverr clients

Since you want to make money on Fiverr without skills, then you will obviously need someone else to do the work for you.

This is why you will need to hire someone who does what you’re selling and is really good at it.

Example: If you are selling logo design, then you need to go and hire a graphic designer.

But be careful:

One mistake Fiverr freelancers make often, is going on Fiverr and hiring another seller that offers the same service as you do.

This goes against the Fiverr ToS, and you can get a strike or even get banned from Fiverr for doing that.

So if you really want to outsource your work to someone else, do in the following two ways:

a) Have a separated buyer profile that isn’t connected to your seller profile, from where you can make all the hirings.

b) Hire someone from outside, to do the work for you.

Plenty of Facebook groups out there have talented freelancers, who are ready to be hired.

So go and spot your talent out there!

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How to get your first clients on fiverr

It can be tough to find your first clients but there are a few things you can do to make it easier:

1. Make sure you have a nicely curated Fiverr Seller profile.

Content should be well written, and images of your gigs or designs should have good quality.

Each description should be SEO-oriented and interesting at the same time.

2. Grow the number of “favorites” on your gigs.

Join Fiverr Seller Facebook Groups, where freelancers help each other to grow, and choose people you can exchange “favorites” (hearts) with, on each one of your published and active gigs. This will pump up your impressions and traffic.

3. Make sure you have some proof of work, or some sort of portfolio ready to show to your potential buyers.

Since you want to get in the Fiverr game with no skills, you can ask the freelancer you hired to do the work for you, to use some of their work as a portfolio!

4. Do Review Exchange (only use this if no one is buying your gig).

I’d suggest you to be patient at first, but if nothing moves, you can play the “Review Exchange” card!

Consider this your secret weapon. Very few Fiverr freelancers out there know how much Fiverr reviews help in optimization.

It would require you to have some budget (at least $100), but it is totally worth it.

This is done by finding two other freelancers with a skill set that is different from yours and you can offer to swap reviews with each other.

It’s basically done by purchasing each other’s gig, but this should be done without being noticed by Fiverr.

Fiverr is very strict and will strike or ban your account, if they notice you’re doing this trick.

So find them outside of Fiverr (use Facebook Fiverr Seller Groups), and agree with them for a Fiverr Review Exchange.

Start this by having a genuine conversation on Fiverr.

Talk about what you need to get done and then place an order with them.

Close the order and leave them a 5 star review.

They must return the favor, so each one of you gets a 5 star review!

A nicely written review, will optimize your gig even more!

Fiverr reviews are key to establishing buyer trust!

Be effective with your First Fiverr Orders

First client must mean, first 5 star review. Make this law!

As a matter of fact I say, do not even look at the money for the first few months.

In the beginning, 5 star reviews are more important than the money itself.

So the right mindset is, to not even look at your earnings at all, but only at how many 5 star reviews you have, how many your competitors have, and how can you collect more.

The more 5 star reviews you collect, the higher your Fiverr Gig will rank! You will notice it jumbing from page 16 to page 10, to page 6 and ultimately , to page 1. And page one is where the serious money is.

Therefore when you get your first client, do anything you can to get a 5 star review from them.

But do not explicitely ask for it. They don’t necessary like it and Fiverr doesn’t either.

Just let them know softly and spontaneously that to you, the most important thing is that they remain satisfied.

And that their feedback matters to you more than anything else!

5 Star reviews help a lot when it comes to making money on Fiverr without skills. Strive for 5 star reviews only and nothing less than that
Fiverr 5 Star reviews are crucial. Strive for 5 star reviews only and nothing less than that

Do anything possible to make Buyers Come Back

You must do anything you can to make your first clients stay, or come back!

To do this, you need to do outstanding work so that they love the time working with you.

In the beginning, you might also want to consider offering bonuses, such as some free extra work.

Your first customers are the most important for your business, you need to make sure that they are happy with your service.


Repeat score shows how often clients on Fiverr come back and purchase your gig again. Grow the score to make more money on Fiverr

Fiverr Growth and future plans

Once you have successfully closed the first orders, collected your first five star reviews and have a few returning clients, is time to design a plan for the future.

Learning how to make money on Fiverr without skills is a great idea for an immediate start and fast success.

But when it comes to thinking about the future, you must think about growth and consistency.

Therefore you should consider learning how to do the work and deliver the projects yourself.

I personally suggest you to be the creator and the executor of the projects you are being hired for.

This simplifies the communication, improves the response time and deliveries become faster.

Faster delivery means faster money.

If you want to learn a set of skills, Fiverr offers many quality online courses for freelancers. And that is because they care about the work we as freelancers deliver to Fiverr buyers.

Which has been the main reason why I always choose Fiverr Learn to improve my skills.

You can always keep on outsourcing some of the work, to the freelancers that helped you make money on Fiverr initially.

But you should be the center of your own business.


The most important thing to keep in mind is that you can definitely make money on Fiverr without skills.

In order to achieve this, you must:

  • Decide what services you are going to offer
  • Find someone you can rely on for outsourcing
  • Create and Optimize your Fiverr Seller profile
  • Work to start getting traffic and receive the first messages from Fiverr buyers

If you stick with it and do the things I suggested in this post, on a regular basis, things will start evolving!

The more time you dedicate to it, the more opportunities will present themselves to you!

Remember that in the beginning, 5 star reviews are more important than the money you are earning!

So make sure you collect a good number of them and nothing less than that.

Once you see you’re growing, invest some time to acquire the skills needed for the services you’re offering.

You cannot always rely on other people, so is better to have the future of your own business in your own hands.

Fiverr is a very powerful platform and a great opportunity to make money.

Dedicate all your time and energy to make that happen!

Eugen Prendi

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