4 Proven Ways To Get SEO Clients Online

An SEO expert at work

SEO is vital to both small and big businesses who want website traffic and ultimately more customers.

This is a golden opportunity for you as a freelancer to make money and in this article, I will show you 4 proven ways to get SEO clients online.

Let’s dive in!

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Get SEO Clients Using Freelancing Marketplaces

As a freelancer, freelancing marketplaces is the first option that comes in mind to get SEO clients.

This is a convenient way because you are sure that the demand is real. There are two freelancing marketplaces I recommend to focus:

– Fiverr
– Upwork

If you want to do quick SEO projects for many different clients who need one time projects, then you can focus on Fiverr.

Fiverr is the perfect place for one-time projects. Buyers just purchase your gig, you have an amount of time to deliver the work and once you do, you get paid and move on.

If you want to learn more about Fiverr success, check my article on how to be successful on Fiverr.

However, if you want to establish long term relationships with your clients and build a serious network, I would suggest you to Focus on Upwork.

One thing I like about Upwork is that finding work is more in your hands than on the platform’s hands.

On Fiverr for example, if the algorithm doesn’t push your gig, you will have to wait in eternity before a potential buyer reaches out to you.

Get SEO clients on Social Media

If you want to build a serious business around your SEO services then it is better to get SEO clients without the help of freelancing marketplaces.

This is because going out there and finding clients yourself, means less competition and no markplace rules.

And you can focus on getting clients and growing your business, while other freelancers you hired can do the work for you.

What to Do to get SEO clients

1. Pick a niche. It can be ecommerce businesses, coaches, dentists or other businesses needing help with SEO.

2. Find out where your audience is hanging out on social media.

By doing some research you will be able to find out whether they are more present on Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin or any other social media platform.

3. Elaborate an outreach strategy. This involves sending them a message and making sure the message reaches them and they read it.

Therefore first you need to send a connection request, and if they accept it and they connect back with you (follow back, etc) then you are able to send them a message!

4. In your first message do not sound salesy or pushy. Make them understand that you’re there to connect and see if you have interests in common, not that you immediately want to sell your SEO services to them.

5. When finally the moment has arrived to introduce yourself as a SEO expert and to ask them if they need your services, do it in a spontaneous and genuine way.

Example: Hey Nick, I noticed you are in the e-commerce space. I help businesses improve their SEO and rank higher on search engines. Do you need any help with that?

Here is my secret trick

One very efficient way to get them interested is by auditing their website and seeing how they are doing.

And if there are areas you can really improve, let them know about it.

Make them understand that some things can be fixed easily and get them better results.

One tool that gives you a lot of information about website traffic and other metrics is SpyFu.

Use Linkedin Sales Navigator

One place where you can surely meet business owners is Linkedin. However, one other tool not many people know about is Linkedin Sales Navigator.

As the name already reveals, this is where business people hang out and connect with each other, and they propose their services and products to each other every day.

But remember, even on Sales Navigator, the outreach rule still stands.

Do not send any message until they have accepted your connection request! 

Use Networking To Get SEO Clients

There are a few key ways to get SEO clients, and networking is one of them.

Get involved in your local business community and attend events.

Attend trade shows and events where your target market is likely to be.

Meet people and get to know them, and let them know what you do.

Be active and contribute value, and you’ll start to build a reputation as an expert in your field.

The more people you meet, the more likely you are to find someone who needs your services.

Final Thoughts

SEO can be a great way to get new clients, but it can be tough to know where to start.

Luckily, there are some proven ways to get SEO clients online.

By using a combination of freelancing marketplaces, social media, and Linkedin Sales Navigator, you can reach a wide audience of potential clients and convince them that you’re the right person for the job.

If you’re looking for new SEO clients, i am pretty sure you will love the results coming from these methods.

Eugen Prendi

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