Freelance Social Media Manager Jobs To Make $4K Per Month Easily

A freelance social media manager at work

Being a freelance social media manager can be very profitable these days, as businesses strive to keep up with the latest trends and stay ahead of their competition online.

If you have some experience with social media , this could be the right career for you.

In this article I will show you what I learned working as a freelance social media manager.

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What is a freelance social media manager?

A freelance social media manager is a professional who manages and oversees the social media accounts of businesses and organizations.

Freelancers usually work as independent contractors, although some may choose full-time positions.

The responsibilities of a freelance social media manager can be many. They typically include developing and executing social media campaigns, managing customer relations, etc.

If you want to become a freelance social media manager, here are a few things you should know:

First, it is important to have experience working with digital content and platforms.

Second, it is beneficial to have strong communication and interpersonal skills.

Finally, it is important to be able to multi-task and juggle multiple tasks simultaneously while maintaining high levels of accuracy.

But even if you don’t have the necessary skills today, do not be affraid to consider becoming a freelance social media manager!

There are plenty of online courses where you can learn everything you need to know to become a top figure.

I personally use Fiverr Learn and Skillshare online courses to upgrade or update my skills as a social media marketer.

Why Do Companies Hire a freelance sMM?

There are many reasons why companies hire a freelance social media manager.

First, a freelance social media manager can help you stay organized and on top of your social media marketing strategy.

This can help you to more effectively reach your target audience and improve your overall online presence.

Furthermore, a freelance social media manager can offer guidance and advice on how to improve a company’s social media marketing efforts.

Types of freelance social media manager jobs

There are a variety of freelance social media manager jobs out there. Here are three of them:

1. Social Media Coordinator: coordinates all aspects of a company’s social media presence, from content creation to monitoring and engagement.

2. Social Media Manager: manages all the company’s social media accounts and activities, including content, marketing initiatives, and customer service.

3. Digital Marketer: creates and executes digital marketing plans for clients across various platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google.

What Type of sMM should you be?

As a freelance social media manager, you might be responsible for creating and executing social media campaigns.

You will have to monitor and analyze social media data in order to make strategic decisions about how to best promote your clients businesses.

In addition, you will need to be able to create compelling content and manage social media accounts effectively.

When someone hires you, they would like you to carry out many if not every task related to social media.

But you will have to be clear about what you will be doing.

Therefore it is important to introduce yourself as someone specialized in a particular set of skills.

Me and my fiancee personally focus in content creation and organic growth.

So when we introduce ourselves to the client, we highlight our skills in graphic design, SEO and growth strategies.

This way, our clients do not ask us for things that go outside of our expertise.

Getting Started As A Social Media Manager

There are plenty of ways to become a freelance social media manager. And the beginning may seem to be a little tough.

This is why being confident from day one is important.

But how do you stay confident with little to no experience in social media management?

You can do it by establishing a proof of work or as some might call it, proof of concept.

A proof of concept is when you do some work for a client, and that client is particularly happy with the results.

To get your proof of concept, offer to do some social media management work for a client in your area or for someone you know, for free.

Create appealing and well crafted social media content for their social media pages, and start posting them daily or at least for a few times a week.

Learn how to schedule posts through a scheduling platform such as Hootsuite.

Also learn how to write eye-catching copy, and how to select effect hashtags.

When it comes to creating graphic content, this can be very easily done through Canva.

Canva has beautiful social media post templates ready for you to easily edit. So do not be affraid to experiment!

It has a free plan so you do not have to pay.

But if you want to stay professional, you might want access to all the pro features by switching to Canva Pro, for just $12.99 a month.

Check out my article on how to become a content creator, f you want to learn more about becoming one.

Having your portfolio and your proof of concept will boost your confidence and increase the chances for you to be hired!

How to find social media manager jobs

There are a variety of ways to find freelance social media manager jobs.

If you’re looking for a full-time job as a social media manager you can google for opportunities in your local area or remote global positions.

My favorite method is launching your own freelance business and start getting clients online.

If this is your favorite method too, I wrote this article that shows how to start a freelance business.

We get a lot of clients through Fiverr. We now have a Top Rated seller profile and we get a lot of requests and a good amount of orders on Fiverr every month.

If you want to learn about Fiverr success, check out my article on how to be successful on Fiverr, where I explain everything I learned.

If optimizing your seller profile on Fiverr isn’t working well in the very beginning and you’re in a hurry to get clients, I suggest you to create an Upwork profile.

On Upwork, you can submit your proposal for various available jobs that are being added and updated every hour of the day.

This way you will definitely increase your chances to be selected for an interview and why not, getting the job as well.

If you feel like you’re still unexperienced, do not worry.

There are freelancers out there getting clients daily, and they don’t even do the work by themselves. They outsource everything instead.

I wrote an article on how to make money on Fiverr without skills that you can check out.

So never think that the moment to start hasn’t arrived yet.

The best time to start was yesterday, the second best time is today!


If you’re thinking to start freelancing as a social media manager, this is definitely the right time.

In this article, I outline some of the key requirements and qualities that a freelancer should have to be successful with social media management.

There are two main ways when it comes to freelancing as a social media manager.

One way is starting a freelance business, the other is to find an hourly job.

My favorite way is getting clients as a freelance business and you can do that on freelance marketplaces such as Fiverr.

If you’re willing to work for one company and possibly full-time, Upwork is a better option for such purpose.

One way or the other, the secret is to start today and to learn by doing.

Do not hesitate, choose action instead.

Eugen Prendi

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