5 easy fiverr gigs To make $3K per month

Freelancer thinking about easy Fiverr gigs to make extra money online

Have you been wondering how do some freelancers make money online with some ridiculously easy Fiverr gigs?

Personally I have been so curious, that I had to go down the rabbit hole to learn everything about it.

In this article I will share my experience and explain what I consider hard and easy Fiverr gigs.

What difficulties I met and what choices I made when it comes to crafting my perfect Fiverr seller profile.

I will also reveal 5 easy Fiverr gigs you can make $3K per month or more. Let’s start.

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Different Types of Gigs You Can Offer

If you’re looking for easy, quick and affordable ways to make money, Fiverr is the perfect place.

You can find a wide range of different gigs on Fiverr, from creating marketing materials to providing customer support.

Some of the most popular Fiverr gigs are:

1. Social Media Marketing: This type of gig is perfect if you have a background in photography, marketing or social media. You can create and manage social media accounts for businesses or individuals, or help to create content that promotes their products or services.

2. Graphic Design: If you have graphic design skills, you can use them to create logos, graphics and other types of marketing materials. You can also provide graphic design services to public figures or coaches and consultants.

3. Website Building: If you have experience building websites, you can offer your services as a web designer on Fiverr. You can help small businesses improve their current websites, or launch a brand new one.

4. Customer Support: If you’re good at communicating with customers, this might be the gig for you. You can provide customer support for various companies, or offer help with resolving technical issues. 

5. VA: If you have experience working with computers and are familiar with various software programs, you might be able to offer your services as a virtual assistant. Virtual assistant gigs on Fiverr typically involve helping customers with tasks such as scheduling appointments, adding items to shopping lists, or sending emails.

This is what I learned trying out different gigs

I’ve had the chance to try out many gigs on Fiverr and in other platforms.

One important thing I learned is that the best gig to offer is the one that makes you the highest amount of money for the least amount of time.

Two Fiverr gigs that can be not easy to deliver were:

1. Web Design Fiverr Gigs:

Often clients here do not have a clear idea on how their website should be or how it should look like.

This means that you will be going through a lot of revisions and changes. 

Some clients get obsessed with details such as making the logo “bigger, smaller, different”, etc.

In these cases, working on a project can be like hell.

So I would definitely not include web design services amongst easy Fiverr gigs.

2. Facebook Ads Fiverr Gigs:

When I tried Facebook Ads, I thought this would be great because it would allow me to work with a number of clients for relatively long periods of time.

Every month I would be managing their Ad campaigns, making adjustments and iterations, etc.

If you have experience with Facebook Ads, you can manage ads campaigns for 800$ a month or more.

But many clients don’t understand the importance of executing certain tasks such as installing tracking systems to their website, building a sales funnel, etc.

Many of them also won’t understand why a testing campaign is important for success.

This is why to me, Facebook Ads gigs are definitely not amongst easy Fiverr gigs.

But if you’re going to offer Facebook Ads on Fiverr, make sure to keep it simple.

Be realistic about what they should expect.

And tell them that you’re the expert and they should trust you in every step of the process.

What Makes Social Media Management Fiverr Gigs great:

If crafted wisely, social media marketing gigs can be the best, because they can be sold with a great price and delivered quickly thanks to automation tools and outsourcing.

The clients here do not stress you as much as they do when you’re designing their website.

You can simply create content with Canva and style it according to their brand or their instructions.

Once the content is ready and approved by the client, you can schedule all the posts with a social media scheduling platform such as Hootsuite.

This allows you to handle many clients at once and grow your earnings. 

So as you can see, I had to go through all of them to find out what clients were the easiest and the hardest to satisfy.

Turned out that it was better to offer a gig with something very simple such as designing and posting content on social media.

So If I have to list the top 5 easy fiverr gigs, they are:

1. Designing Social Media Posts.

You can do this very easily with Canva.

Canva is an online graphic design platform that allows you to design anything from logo to flyers or brochures. 

All you need to do is create the content based on the instructions, deliver the work and wait for feedback.

If they’re happy with the delivery they will accept the order.

If they want you to make a few changes, make them and re-deliver the order.

This is one of the most popular easy Fiverr gigs you can even make $3,000-$4.000 a month.

I helped my fiancee become a Top Rated Fiverr seller, by offering this gig. If you want to learn more about this i explain everything about it in my article “How To Become Successful On Fiverr“.

2. Promoting links on your Linkedin profile.

This is something I saw one of my friends do. Through his Linkedin profile, he would send connection requests to people daily, reaching around 10 thousand of connections.

Then he went and created a Fiverr gig about sharing links with his Linkedin connections, for promotion goals.

I’ve never see such an easy Fiverr gig that can be delivered this fast. You share the link, and deliver the order. You can do this while you’re having your morning coffee.

And your client just paid for it!

3. Growing Instagram followers for Business accounts.

This is an easy Fiverr gig that takes only 1 hour per day.

Once you get access by the client, go and follow people potentially interested in their business, on a daily basis.

Many of them might follow back or interact via DMs and comments.

This will help growing the community of client’s business.

There are also many different automation tools that can help with Instagram growth.

Or you can simply outsource some of the work to other people, once you can’t handle all the accounts.

These are also easy Fiverr gigs that you can sell for two or three hundred dollars per month.

You can definitely manage 10 or more clients on a monthly basis.

And why not, you can also grow a team and make your Growth agency even bigger.

4. Setting Up Facebook & Instagram Business accounts.

Many clients on Fiverr are unexperienced with social media.

So when it comes to setting up accounts for their business, they prefer handing this to someone with more knowledge.

Setting up Facebook or Instagram business accounts is a very easy Fiverr gig to offer.

You can do many of these per day and get paid decent money for doing it.

You can even design for them a nice Facebook cover banner or a nice profile image for their pages.

This is a great opportunity because if they are happy with your work, they can hire you for other tasks as well.

5. Spot brand new problems and create a gig with the solution

One thing I learned while I was doing Facebook Ads is that new problems emerge everyday. And thanks to them, everyday new solutions can be packaged and sold.

When Apple released their infamous iOS 14 Update, it damaged Facebook’s advertising business so much that they had to come up with new tools for tracking user activity.

And this is how Aggregated Event Measurement was created.

This is a protocol that allows for measurement of web and app events from people using iOS 14.5 or later devices.

Some freelancers on Fiverr learned about this early and decided to create an easy Fiverr gig about helping business make the necessary updates on their Ads Manager accounts.

For this reason, you can google for new changes done everyday and make a list of problems that those changes have created.

For every problem on your list there is a new solution!

You can offer the solution through an easy Fiverr gig and make money from it.

Not because it is a hard thing to do. But because many people facing that specific problem would be more than happy to pay for the solution.


There are countless types of easy Fiverr gigs that you can create and sell.

But when it comes to choosing the perfect one, you have to decide carefully.

An easy Fiverr gig, is one you can sell for the highest price and deliver in the shortest time.

Also you will need to think in terms of automation and outsourcing. How easily can you outsource work? Are there any aspects you can automate?

The goal here is to be able to sell a service that takes the least amount of time.

This way, you will be able to scale the sales and grow your profit even more.

Eugen Prendi

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