20 Business Ideas For Couples In 2023

couple discussing business ideas for couples

If you’re in a relationship, starting a business together is a great idea.

Not only will it bring you and your partner closer together, but it can also give you both the financial freedom and independence you seek.

To help get your creative juices flowing, here are 20 business ideas for couples with potential to be profitable and rewarding!

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1. Freelance Writing

As a freelance writer, you can write articles for blogs and websites in different niches.

There are plenty of courses on Youtube but if you want something that has solid positive feedback, you can try courses on Skillshare or Coursera.

Once you are ready, you can apply for jobs on Upwork, Freelancer.com or Create your Fiverr Seller profile and offer writing services there.

You may want to check out my article on how to start a freelance business, for some extra precious info.

If you both have a knack for writing, there’s no reason why you can’t be successful at this business venture.

2. Social Media Management

As a couple, you can start a business managing social media accounts for other businesses.

As a matter of fact, this is me and my partner’s favorite business ideas for couples.

This is a great way to make use of your combined skills and talents.

There are a few things to keep in mind if you want to start a social media management business:

1. Make sure you have a good handle on the various social media platforms.

2. Develop a strong understanding of marketing and branding.

3. Stay up-to-date on the latest trends in social media.

4. Be organized and disciplined in your work.

I prepared a list with freelance social media manager jobs that you can check out if you like.

I also shared how one can become a content creator and make money online, in this article here.

3. Personal Shopping

Personal shoppers help busy people save time by doing the legwork of shopping for them.

This can include anything from finding the perfect gift to putting together an outfit for a special event.

To get started, you’ll need to build up a network of contacts at local stores and boutiques.

You’ll also need to be comfortable doing a bit of online research to find the best deals.

This article shows how you can start your personal shopping business in 2023.

4. Event Planning

Event planning is definitely on the list of great business ideas for couples.

To get started, you’ll need to invest some time in learning about the event planning industry and building up your network of contacts.

Once you’ve got a handle on things, start marketing your services to potential clients.

If you can land some high-profile gigs, you’ll be well on your way to success.

Here is how you can start an Event Planning business from home.

5. Virtual Assistant Services

Whether you’re running a business together or simply want to support each other’s career goals, being a virtual assistant can be a great way to make money as a team.

You can offer your services to clients in need of administrative support, social media management, customer service, or any number of other tasks.

You can get clients on Upwork & Fiverr as well, so if you both want to start as freelance virtual assistants, give these platforms a try, they’re really worth it!

If you want to learn how to get more Fiverr orders every month, here’s an article I wrote.

6. Lawn Care

If you and your partner are looking for a business idea to start together, consider starting a lawn care business.

You can offer a variety of services such as mowing, trimming, edging, and leaf removal.

You’ll need to invest in some equipment, but you can start small and grow your business as you acquire more clients.

To get started, promote your business online and through word-of-mouth.

Once you have a few satisfied customers, you’re sure to have a thriving business on your hands.

7. Personal Training and Nutrition Coaching

Personal training and nutrition coaching are a great way to help your clients reach their fitness goals.

You can help them develop a healthy lifestyle and maintain their progress over time.

When it comes to nutrition coaching, you can work with your clients to develop healthy eating habits.

Together, you can help them create a plan that fits their lifestyle and helps them reach their goals.

Here is an article that shows how to become a personal trainer and nutritionist in 2023.

8. Photography

If you’re looking for a business idea that you can start together with your significant other, then why not try your hand at photography?

It’s a great way to make some extra money while spending time together, and it can be a lot of fun too!

There are a few things you’ll need to get started, such as a good camera and some basic editing software.

Once you’ve got those sorted, you can start offering your services to friends and family members for events like weddings or parties.

Pamela S. Stevens wrote this great article on how to start a photography business.

Can this be your favorite amonst many business ideas for couples? If not, keep reading.

9. Graphic Design

Graphic design comes always in mind when one thinks about top business ideas for couples, and here is why:

It can be a very creative and rewarding endeavor, and it can also be quite lucrative.

To be successful in this field, you will need to have a strong sense of aesthetics and be able to translate your vision into visually appealing designs.

You may want to check my article on how to get graphic design clients online and actually keep them.

10. SEO Consultant

Amongst many business ideas for couples, one that is often overlooked is becoming an SEO consultant.

SEO is the process of making sure your website appears as high as possible in search engine results pages (SERPs), which drives organic traffic (people who find your site through a search engine) to your site.

The higher you rank, the more likely people are to click on your website.

As an SEO consultant, you would help businesses optimize their websites for better SERP rankings.

If you want, you can learn about my favorite 4 proven methods to get SEO clients online, reading this article.

11. Business Consulting

If you’re a couple who likes to work together, then starting a business consulting service may be the perfect business idea for you.

By leveraging your respective skills and knowledge, you can help other businesses overcome challenges and reach their goals.

To get started, you’ll need to build up a strong portfolio of case studies demonstrating your success in helping businesses achieve their objectives.

For me, Sam Ovens is the best consultant out there, simply because he uses scientific methods when it comes to problem solving and reaching goals.

In this video he shows how you can get high ticket clients using traffic from YouTube.

12. Personal Styling

As a couple, you likely have complementary style preferences that can be leveraged to create a successful personal styling business.

You can offer your services to individuals or couples who are looking for help putting together the perfect wardrobe for any occasion.

Your business can be as simple as providing one-on-one consultations to help your clients choose the right clothes and accessories, or you can offer more comprehensive services such as closet makeovers and personal shopping trips.

You can also specialize in a particular type of styling, such as wedding styling or professional looks for job interviews.

Whatever direction you take your business, you’ll need to keep up with the latest fashion trends and have a keen eye for what looks good on different body types.

This article from London College of Style shows how to become a Personal Stylist, according to three Personal Styling experts.

13. Interior Design

Starting an interior design business is a great way for couples to use their creative skills to earn a living.

First, decide what services you want to offer and what your niche will be.

Do you want to focus on residential design or commercial design?

Do you want to specialize in a certain style or era of design?

Once you have a good idea of your specialty, start marketing yourselves to potential clients.

Here are 19 tips from successful pros on how to run an interior design business.

14. Floral Design

Floral design is a great option for couples who want to work together on a business venture.

There are many aspects of floral design that you will need to consider when starting your business.

Some of these include:

– The type of flowers you will use in your arrangements

– The containers or vases you will use

– The ribbons, bows, and other decorations you will add

– The delivery methods you will use

This article shows how you can turn your love of flowers into a Floral Design career.

15. Home staging

If you’re a couple looking for a business idea, why not consider home staging?

Home staging is all about making a house look its best so that it appeals to buyers.

You’ll need to be good at working with people and be able to handle the stress of tight deadlines.

But if you’re organized and have a knack for making homes look their best, this could be a great business for you.

Thanks to Staging Studio and their courses about home staging, you and your partner can become certified home stagers!

16. Wedding planning

With so many couples getting engaged each year, there’s always a demand for wedding planners.

If you have a knack for organization and detail-oriented planning, this could be the perfect business for you.

Check out this video of Gabby Pinkerton, she explains very nicely how she became a Wedding planner.

17. Pet Sitting

For couples who love spending time with animals, starting a pet sitting business can be a great way to earn some extra income.

Pet sitting businesses can offer a variety of services, including dog walking, feeding and watering pets, administering medication, and providing overnight care.

To get started, couples will need to create a business plan and obtain the necessary licenses and insurance.

In this article you can read all you need to know about starting a Pet Sitting business.

18. Computer Repair

If you and your partner are interested in starting a business together, consider becoming a computer repair team.

As more and more businesses and individuals rely on computers for their day-to-day operations, the demand for qualified computer repair technicians has never been higher.

With some training and experience, you’ll be able to diagnose and fix common computer problems quickly and efficiently.

I found this article from Step by Step Business, very interesting; it shows you all the steps you need to take to build your computer repair business.

19. Housecleaning

Assuming you and your partner are both ok with a little bit of elbow grease, housecleaning can be a great way to make some extra money together.

I often check the YouTube Channel UpFlip and they have so many success cases in the cleaning niche, a niche that never runs out of business.

You can use your social media platforms to promote your business initially and once you get a few clients, word of mouth will likely do the rest in terms of marketing.

As for what you’ll charge, it depends on the services you offer and the size of the home. For instance, you may choose to just do basic cleaning or add on extras like laundry and dishes.

20. Catering

If you love to cook and entertain, then catering could be the perfect business idea for you and your partner.

You can start by offering simple catering services for small events like birthday parties or office luncheons.

As your business grows, you can add more services like wedding catering or event planning.

This couple launched their catering business, helping people celebrate ‘any way they can’, and this are going great!

I did some research and found this article that shows in detail how you can start your own catering business in 9 steps.


There are endless business ideas for couples, but it can be tough to decide which one is right for you.

The most important thing is to choose an idea that you’re both passionate about.

If you’re not excited about the business, it’ll be difficult to put in the work required to make it successful.

Whether you are looking for a way to supplement your income or want to start something new together, there is no limit to what you can achieve as a team.

Invest in yourself today and explore how far your dreams will take you!

Eugen Prendi

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